Available courses

Veri Tabanı Yönetim Sistemleri (VTYS)

Bu kurs interaktif SQL kullanımı için websitesi ile ilişkilidir. Site adresi sql.drcetiner.org

Kullanıcı adı: u8309752_sql olup erişim için parolayı Prof. Çetiner'den alabilirsiniz.

Discord kanalına katılabilirsiniz https://discord.gg/e7G2rBA

Topluluk projeleri için Discord Grubu https://marmara.io/discord

Tasarım ve İcatçı Tasarım

Tasarımı ve icatçı tasarımı anlamak için bir kurs.

Industrial Engineering Fundamentals

Philosophy of Industrial Engineering. Roots. Analysis of Industrial Revolutions. Where is the World going?

How are the production styles of four factors in economies, i.e. Knowledge, Communcation, Logistics and Energy affects life styles? Systems engineering approach to production of 4 factors. Details of four factors starting with Money creation (knowledge). The production of four factors in each industrial revolution. How are the methods and tools of IE utilized for four factors?  

Introduction to Management Information Systems

We will be using SQL Interactve Site (Sql.drcetiner.org) throughout the course. The username for SQL site is u8309752_sql. You can get password from Prof. Çetiner. Please note that the enrolment key for this course is a separate thing and you also need to get course enrolment key from your lecturer.

The Discord Group for course is https://discord.gg/e7G2rBA
Discord Group for the community projects https://discord.gg/HDxH8bB

Advanced innovative Design Management for Entrepreneurship

We intend to grow inventors within the course by applying the wellknown TRIZ principles.

The Discord address is https://discord.gg/mPfj8ka

The Discord address for TRIZ Community Projects https://discord.gg/HDxH8bB

Course Objective:

This interdisciplinary course, targeted towards master students from diverse backgrounds including social sciences, aims to combine the principles of Management Information Systems (MIS) with innovative entrepreneurship. Students will learn how to utilize information systems to manage, strategize, and solve complex problems in various business contexts. This course will also guide students in leveraging MIS to create and improve entrepreneurial ventures that can contribute to and thrive within technologically advanced environments such as technology parks. This combination of MIS knowledge and innovative problem-solving techniques can enhance their ability to develop impactful and technologically advanced entrepreneurial projects.

Course Content: 

The course is delivered in teams using active learning techniques. Starting from correctly defining problems, various innovation methods such as primarily TRIZ are used as creative problem-solving techniques in this course. The ultimate aim is to generate information technology projects that have the potential to enter technology parks, which include in-depth and advanced projects. In addition to aiming to generate entrepreneurial/startup projects with MIS integration as the ultimate goal, MIS support is used live during active learning sessions. Strategic problem-solving techniques such as TRIZ, SCAMPER, Kepner Tregoe, Decision Making Systems are blended with strategic management and entrepreneurship techniques to generate quality project ideas. The course includes learning activities using many open-ended active learning techniques, blending topics like database management systems, mobile, blockchain, UI/UX designs with entrepreneurship with the support of MIS systems, and encompasses project/problem-based learning. In the course, various strategic planning and management techniques such as SWOT, Balanced Score Card, Network Analysis in Industrial Engineering, as well as Entrepreneurship Management techniques like the Business Model Canvas, are also included for managing entrepreneurship projects.

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

The course is associated with Website for interactive SQL usage. The site is sql.drcetiner.org

The UserName is u8309752_sql and ask for password from Prof. Çetiner.

There are two courses with codes EM-7703 and MIS-7722, respectively. You need to join in Discord at https://discord.gg/e7G2rBA

The Discord group for Community projects https://discord.gg/HDxH8bB


Marmara Kredi Döngüleri 

Marmara Kredi Döngüleri Vadeli Çeklerden esinlenen dağıtık ve merkezsiz bir finans (DeFi) sistemidir. Dağıtık noterlik olarak çalışan sistemde 2 adet protokol vardır. Dağıtık noterlik sisteminin geçerli parası Marmara koindir. Sistem 2 farklı protokolü barındırmaktadır. 

Protokol 1: Bu protokolde krediler %100 karşılıklı üretilmektedir. Krediyi keşideci %100 karşılıklı olarak çıkarır. Bir kredi döngüsünün vadesinin bitimine kadar sürekli değişen hamil ile birlikte 3 kat staking ödülü şansına sahip olur.

Protokol 2: Bu protokolde içerisinde temel fiat paralar (Lira, Dolar, Avro vs), birkaç kripto para (Bitcoin, Komodo, MCL) ve altın ve gümüş olmak üzere 32 çeşit varlıkla kredi var edilmektedir.

Bu kursun amacı, Marmara Kredi Döngülerinin toplumda gerçek ekonomide günlük hayatta bir ödeme ve kredi aracı olarak kullanılmasının, yatırım havuzları kavramının modern işletmecilikte öğrenilmesini ve kullanılmasını teşvik etmektir.

Öğrenme Amaçları

Kursun sonunda;

  1.  Marmara Kredi Döngülerini ve modern iş dünyasında nasıl çalıştığını açıklayabileceksiniz,
  2.  Kendiniz Marmara Blokzincirini kurabilecek ve onun üzerinde mining/staking yoluyla MCL Koin üretebileceksiniz,
  3.  Marmara Blokzinciri üzerinde Kredi Döngüleri var edebilecek ve döndürebileceksiniz, 
  4.  Marmara Blokzinciri Topluluğunca üretilen cüzdan, görsel (GUİ) arayüzler gibi araçları kullanabileceksiniz.

What is Marmara Credit Loops?

Marmara Credit Loops 

Marmara Credit Loops course is an open course to everyone. The aim is to promote learning and use of Marmara Credit Loops in society in modern business.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, you should be able to

  1.  Explain Marmara Credit Loops and How they work in modern business
  2.  Setup your own node so that you can mine and stake MCL Coins on Marmara Chain
  3.  Issue and circulate the Credit Loops on Marmara Chain 
  4.  Use other tools such as Wallets, GUI Tools developed by Marmara Chain Community

P.S: Please first register in the website. You will be asked for enrolment key for the course. It is P@ssword5*

What is Marmara Credit Loops?

You can get more information and get involved in community work from the following:-
1. Marmara Credit Loops Discord Group 
2. Marmara Chain Github
3. Marmara Chain @marmarachain